The Little Voice In Our Head…Born From Religious Trauma

I didn't know how to hate myself until I was taught how sinful and bad I was just for being born.

I didn't know how to despise my body until I was taught that my flesh was depraved.

I didn't know how to hide my emotions until I was taught that feeling was weakness.

I didn't know how unworthy I was until I was taught that only grace could allow me to be loved.

I didn't know how to play small until I was taught that speaking up is only for some.

I didn't know that in order to fit, I had to wear a thousand masks until I was taught that only specific 'types' of people are accepted and welcome.

I didn't know that I couldn't trust myself until I was taught that I should trust, without question, those who hold more power than me.

I didn't know that I should feel guilty about the death of a man 2,000 years ago until I was taught that I was responsible for his death.

I didn't know that God's love wasn't enough until I was taught there are caveats to his love (quiet time, bible reading, serving, sitting up front in church, joining a small group, saving other souls...)


What if I was not born bad, sinful, undeserving of love, unworthy of care, and affection?

What if I was born human, fully loved by Love, secure in my worthiness of that love?

Perhaps I would have been taught that I was good, that my body was good, that my emotions were good, that I belonged not because of anything I did but because of my worth as a human being.

This is the re-learning that I've been doing, and it's healing the deepest of wounds.

Perhaps this is the freedom that really sets us free. To know that we have always been loved - not in spite of our humanity but because of it!

What Is Your Voice Saying?

Does the voice in your head say you are loved and worthy, or does it scream condemnation and self-hatred?

What would it look like for you to walk in the freedom of knowing you are deeply loved, valued, worthy, and deserving just because you were born and you exist?


What sort of space is a Religious Trauma Collective?


Religious Enmeshment - The Loneliness of Exiting